公会标志 Logo

吉隆坡暨雪兰莪华人企业商会的标志,由五条不同色彩的简洁线纹构成,这五个色彩象徵着不同的意义,同时也呼应着我们商会的精神。孙子兵法〈始计篇〉有云,将领须具备五大品德素养,将者 ,知丶信丶仁丶勇丶严也。


  • 黄:正念(乐观)

  • 红:热忱(动力)

  • 紫:智慧(理解)

  • 蓝:自信(信心)

  • 绿:活力(朝气)


CEAKLS’s logo is made up of 5 simple stripes of different colours to signify various spirits of the association.

In the first chapter (The First Art) of his book ‘The Art of War’, Sun Zi states that a general must possess 5 unique traits, namely wisdom, integrity, kindness, courage and dignity.

On the same token, we have characterized the 5 virtues of contemporary leaders into 5 different colours:

  • Yellow: Positive thoughts (optimism)

  • Red: Passion (driving force)

  • Purple: Wisdom (insight)

  • Blue: Self-confidence (faith)

  • Green: Vitality (vigour)

CEAKLS undertakes to create a sound learning platform to nurture these 5 leadership attributes among our members.


公会的使命和愿景 Our Mission and Vision


公会的使命 Our Mission



CEAKLS strives to create a business education platform that is teeming with ‘knowledge, technology, and creative innovation’. Members may readily apply what they have learnt, keep abreast with the times and changes, increase in organisational effectiveness and efficiency as well as bringing their business to the next level.


公会的愿景 Our Vision



CEAKLS believes that with continuous learning and the adoption a new business paradigm, the entrepreneur spirit in Malaysian Chinese entrepreneurs and Confucian values can be passed down to future generations so as to fulfill our dream of sustainable development thus establishing superior business cultures for the generations to come.

公会宗旨 Objectives

With a crystal clear purpose in mind, KLSCEA has set 4 guiding principles on all future development and endeavours, as shown below:

创会目标 Positioning


As a new generation business association, CEAKLS takes substantive actions in rewarding our valued members. In this respect, we have positioned our assosiation as a ‘learning, innovation and transformation’ platform to accompany our members on the flight into the new economic era.

学习 Learning

公会积极举办多元而全面的经商学习活动,如工商管理丶资本运作丶网络科技丶品牌经营等,邀请专人提供各种专题讲座和研讨会,让会员装备优质经商条件与知识。 CEA actively organizes a comprehensive series of business learning seminars and workshops, e.g. on business management, capital operation, internet technology and brand management, to be conducted by professional speakers in an effort to equip members with superior business knowledge and qualifications.

创新 Innovation

把学习的新知内化後,便具备精良的经商条件,进而为自身的企业作出实务的创新,让企业发展与时代接轨。唯有作出应世的创新,方能确保企业历久弥新。 Once the new skills and knowledge are internalized, members will possess an even better disposition to lead and further innovate their enterprises and blend smoothly into the new era. The only way to stay ahead in this competition is through continuous innovation.

转型 Transformation

企业人透过掌握新知,并在经营上作出创新,这是企业转型的过程。当今大马已有许多企业,为了顺应瞬息万变的经济大环境,也在循序渐进的转型。 By mastering new skills and knowledge as well as continuous innovation, each member enterprise is indeed going through a phase of transformation. In Malaysia, there has already been many proactive enterprises undergoing gradual transformation in order to fit in with the ever-changing economic macro-environment.

会员福利 Members’ Welfare



Presently, members can enjoy the convenience of expanding their business circles using our business platform. The e-business directory on our website consisting of valuable members’ business database surely enhances business opportunities.

In this e-business directory, members may furnish information on their products and services to encourage intra-association as well as extra-association businesses, deriving  from the abundant commercial benefits and business opportunities.

CEAKLS will also be organizing various offline activities, even collaborating with other associations, to increase the opportunities of our members interacting with entrepreneurs of all trades and further expand their network of business contacts.

回馈社会 Corporate social responsibility


While CEAKLS is working hard for the welfare of our members, we make a great effort to give back to the society at the same time.
We have been resolute to give back to the society ever since the inception of CEAKLS. Charity movements such as donating to the underprivileged, old folks’ homes and shelters for the mentally-handicapped have been organized and our members are urged to get involved in every movement.